We tend to have an aversion to recognizable logos here at OR, though we give exception to personal effects when they are decorated with an individual monogram, inscription, or (of course) nod to a beloved pet. We’re drawn to the intimate flair of a clever emblem or carefully crafted trademark that makes an item uniquely one’s own (pro tip: a nickname embroidered under the pop of a collar is a favorite). So this spring, while tackling seasonal closet cleaning, we were left with heaps of well-worn clothing and accessories we just couldn’t bear to toss, and instead opted to update them with a few symbols of our affection.

Because our devotion to our pets knows no bounds, we dedicated a choice amount of creative space to our canines and steeds, and [we think] the results speak for themselves. We’ve shared some of our favorites, and hope the following ideas inspire a unique billboard of your own, no matter how swanky or subtle!

We love the fit and feel of these sweaters. In a slightly cropped crewneck, they pair perfectly with high-waisted denim for the air conditioned office, or over a show shirt for chilly horse show mornings. Simply upload a photo of your horse or dog, pick your colors, and let Le Lion do the rest.

We’ve always admired award-winning actress Candice Bergen’s on-screen sarcasm and wit, and were delighted when she chose to apply her amusing eye to handpainted vintage bags. Send in your favorite designer tote, clutch, or pocketbook along with a photo and/or desire for a monogram and — voila! — a personalized pet portrait by Ms. Bergen in four to six weeks. A Bergen Bag runs anywhere from $300 to $1200 depending on the amount of time required to paint, and all proceeds go to charities such as the ASPCA and NRDC.

No purchase necessary! Embellish any beloved item that is already hanging in your closet with a pet’s name, tastefully chainstitched by Fort Lonesome. We also adore their bandanas, which make great cloth napkins when embroidered with a farm, business, or guest’s name.

We were introduced to brothers Chris and Kirk Bray for their custom hand-embossed leather goods, and scooped up a variety of monogrammed gifts, choosing our own dyed leather hues, hardware finishes, gold or silver foil, and other details such as the navy blue yarn for a gentleman’s card case. From key rings and bottle openers on a belt-loop hook, to valet trays and camera straps, Billykirk touts plenty of ways to build character.

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